Middle School Physical Science 1

Instructor: TBA

Length: 16 Weeks (Full year in conjuction with Middle School Physical Science 2 is 32 weeks)

Meetings: Once Weekly

Prerequisite: None

Tuition: $240 ($15 per week) for live lecture with instructor. $160 ($10 per week) for recorded lectures.

Payment Options:Weekly subscriptions available with a 48 hour cancellation notice to stop subscription. You can start and end at any point in the semester.

Required Textbook: Holt, Rinehard, and Winston Physical Science

(First semester covers Units 1, 4, and 5. Second semester covers 2, 3, 6, and 7.)

An online pdf is available for students to use for free.


In a middle school physical science course, students cover foundational concepts in physics and chemistry, including motion, forces, energy, and properties of matter.

Self-Paced Option

Self-paced recorded courses can begin at any time throughout the year! We can set up the course starting on the first or third Sunday of any month.

To set up, or discuss self-paced courses, contact us at admin@hypatiastem.com or through our contact form! We look forward to learning with you.

Spring Class Times

Dates Days Times Registration
January 13th through May 17th Thursdays 4 PM EST Weekly Payment Semester Payment

Fall Class Times

Dates Days Times
August 26th through December 20th Tuesdays 4 PM EST
August 26th through December 20th Fridays 5 PM EST

Sample Syllabus

No topics will be removed from this list, however the weeks the topics are presented might change. Students will be given a syllabus the week before courses begin with the official schedule.

Week Lecture Topic
Week 1 Introduction to Physical Science
Week 2 Matter
Week 3 States of Matter
Week 4 Physical and Chemical Properties
Week 5 Physical and Chemical Changes
Week 6 Atoms
Week 7 Atoms
Week 8 Periodic Table
Week 9 Periodic Table
Week 10 Chemical Bonds
Week 11 Reactions
Week 12 Acids and Bases
Week 13 Acids and Bases
Week 14 Radioactivity
Week 15 Radioactivity
Week 16 Semester Review